People who have survived attempted murder, how did it happen? How did you survive? #lucky

1 year ago

People who have survived attempted murder, how did it happen? How did you survive?
I ran over my would be car jacker who had a shotgun in hand.
Someone tried to rob my store during a psychotic episode. He trashed the place, tried to crack open my head with a 16" bong and stripped naked as I was ejecting him. Then he drove a jeep through the wall and tried to run me over. The counter I stood behind all day stopped the jeep. I left through the massive hole he left in the wall.
Got mugged, saw him pull the trigger... Heard the click... AH had his gun jammed or forgot the chamber it... Either way... Im alive.
I was leaving my ex. When I went to leave the room after packing up my stuff, he grabbed me and threw me against the wall. I hit the wall, fell onto my hands and knees and he picked me up by my throat and started choking me. I had a moment of clarity and remembered he had a rugby injury and his nose was sensitive. So I punched him, broke that mother flockers nose. He dropped me and I legged it
Well, the moron put a loaded shotgun in my face and pulled the trigger - he loaded it wrong so it jammed.
Gotta say, it’s telling that so many of these stories are of survivors of domestic violence…
My ex tried to strangle me when I broke things off. I woke up a few moments later. I guess me passing out and pissing myself made him believe I was dead or something because he stopped. When I finally woke up. I managed to ran/tripped walked outside where someone helped me. That was 15 years ago. I still think about that day from time to time.
Don’t remember too well, but some kid smashed my head against cement when I was 10. Kept stomping on the back of my head, broke my nose and several other bones. Older sisters saw it and messed him up. Haven’t seen him since.
This thread makes me so sad, so many stories of child abuse, and random stabbings and shootings, and domestic violence. This world needs healing :(
Two crows landed right next to me, but I shoo'ed them away before the third showed up.
My huusband was strangling me and somehow, I was able to bite his arm HARD. He staggered back a few steps and jumped into the car and took off.
Ex, domestic abuse situation. I snapped and shot him back with his gun.
it's crazy to realize the stuff people have been through, so much more posted on here than i would've expected

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