the rationale of living a life of sin...baddie4shoes (ag's shadow self from past life)

2 years ago

gonna attempt to explain what i wrote earlier
forgive me for another schpiel
nihilism due to addiction due to possession
even more prevalent due to disbelief
the devil and his constituents wouldn't have to do all this if ____
i am madly in love with God
they would die if they couldn't get on the internet
living a life that i had to lie about
just ask the people i stole from...
they knew that that shit wasn't me...boozehound back in the day
you don't have to be drunk to be in an altered state
God was still with me that whole time
the only punishment is jail or somebody cutting you off
competition either way
true story, stole a whole bottle of jaigermeister and didn't even remember drinking the majority of it
everyone is so boring and lame that they
sorry that you were stupid enough to believe the lie
i hate doin stand up cos everyone is so competitive
they're intimidated by me
they'll never live up to their own potential
everybody wants to have the ag attitude
so transgressive using the word faggot
pissing people off but not for the right reason
once again, the rebel badass in me
incoming rant incoming rant incoming rant
you're just as lame as those @ the trance sexual store
such a beautiful sound
some j/k all...
i love you adam, you are literally the only one w/out a smartphone
i wouldn't be able to get from shithole to shithole
pretend food from doordash
govt tracking device always modifying behavior
pretend communication w/ pretend people
you deserve to eat bugs, damnit
owning nothing and happy...READ ACTS

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