Treacherous Living

2 years ago

Life is treacherous. I am not exaggerating. In times such as these we have no business going it on our own, thinking we know what we “think we know”, because we don’t know. There is so much deception in our life season right now, it is hard to put one foot in front of the other and make a good decision. Truth is so fogged in by myriads of voices screaming what they “think they know” when they should be whispering what they are assuming. They act like they have the one grip on truth, and either you go their way or they will take you out with their cancel culture mentality. I said it, I meant it. Life is treacherous. Making a mistake right now, can snow ball into injuring ourselves, our family, our community, so we need God. God Knows All. The reality of truth is, a man-made fire will flame out. So we can walk by the light of a man-made fire for a little while, but in the end, we will be sitting in the dark among ashes. We need to see the seriousness of doing life on our own. Places to go and things to do, yet nothing happening around us is normal. We can’t sink our head in the sand and pretend like all is well. We can’t navigate our decisions on our own in the crazy culture we are living in. We need a Vital-Vertical relationship with Jesus, where we are navigated by His Holy Spirit. We need God, we need to connect with Him, so we don’t get lost in the deception and drift off with the cultural say so. The storms of this life season are not forgiving, they are very, very tricky to maneuver. With God, we will have an Advocate, Who is completely for us, Who will help us walk through the storms safely, and the best part is, He will grow us through. We won’t just go through, but we will grow through and finish well. Do you find yourself in a difficult place? Look up. Listen up. Connect with God, Heart To Heart and be navigated by Him. There is no better way to live and grow through these days, then with God, standing firmly on the foundation of His Way, Truth, Life. I pray that for us all. Wake up and get back to that wholly-holy aligned relationship with God. Make It Personal. Trust the Lord with all your heart. Don’t depend on your own understanding. Remember the Lord in everything you do. And he will give you success. Don’t depend on your own wisdom. Respect the Lord and refuse to do wrong. Proverbs 3:1-7 #Dig Deeper 5o Right – 50 Wrong Make It Personal:

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