The God of Peace Will Be With You - Philippians 4

1 year ago

The God of Peace Will be With You... so rejoice. In this final message covering the letter to Phillipi Paul offers additional insight on how to develop a joyful mindset:

- The power of positive thinking & prayer ]
- Endurance and perseverance
- Gaining perspective on tithes and offerings

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Rejoice - this call to live in a mindset of joy has been one of Paul's great themes for this letter. Rejoice because God is with you "Lord is near". This should be read with a sense of God's presence, walking with you and beside you in your life [not a reference to end-time events concerning the return of Christ]. Psalm 145:18-19; 119:151; 34:17-18. Rejoice always - exert the effort to make this a mental habit not a once in a while fix.

Gentleness - the Greek word here is epiekes which is about willingness to meet people halfway, seeking peace through establishing common ground. Here are some places the word is used NT:

1 Timothy 3:3 where it is presented as the opposite of violent quarreling… we don’t settle matters by brute force [in word or deed]
Titus 3:2 where it is presented as the opposite of slanderous talk about others… consider the other person’s position and POV rather than trash them with words
James 3:17 where it is presented as a) a spiritual attribute / heavenly wisdom b) shows a desire to find peaceful solutions and openness to persuasion
1 Peter 2:18 where it implies equity and fairness

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. 9 The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.

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