DIY: Moldavite with herkimer diamond pendant

2 years ago

Moldavite is a vitreous silica rock that can be found in dark green color and blue-green. It comes under the category of glass and was formed by a meteorite impact 15 million years ago. Moldavite is a form of tektite and is a 5.5-7 on the Mohs hardness scale. The meaning of Moldavite is transformation, fortune, and protection.

Known as the gemstone of high vibrational light, the Herkimer Diamond is a variety of Amethyst and Clear Quartz. This powerful stone combines the serenity and crown chakra connection of Amethyst with the huge amplifying powers of Clear Quartz. With six sides and double termination, this gem can transmit powerful energy. The meaning of the Herkimer Diamond is to help with higher attunement, astral connections, and to get you in a place where you feel crystal clear about things.

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