'If you mix graphene together with biomolecules, it becomes magnetic' (ENGLISH Transcript in description box)

2 years ago

'If you mix graphene together with biomolecules, it becomes magnetic'

Transcript: (Transcribed from Spanish to English)
Presenter: Imagine a material that in addition to being flexible, is the hardest material in the world and also conducts electricity. It already exists, it’s graphene. From it you can develop a whole world of new technologies. But it was not perfect. It lacked magnetism. A group of Spanish scientists have managed to give it that gift. How? By mixing graphene with living molecules.

Scientist: “I have put A and B together. And neither A is magnetic and neither B is magnetic. Why is it that when I put it together it suddenly becomes a magnetic thing? This is the magic moment.“

Presenter: And what is the point of graphene being magnetic?

Well, magnetism is what makes it possible to store a lot of information. For example, on a flash drive or a hard drive. Magnetic graphene would multiply that possibility by millions of times.

How could this magnetic graphene be obtained?

They did it here, in this microscope that exactly reproduces the conditions of the cosmos space with a minimum pressure and a temperature of 270ºC below zero. This is the only way they could achieve the miracle. Our scientists believe they could grow neurons on graphene and control their impulses, interfering with and controlling the signal that is transmitted by neurons eventually grown on graphene. And this is a truly exciting possibility, because it could help combat many neurological maladies. Graphene – how could it not? There is no limit to this curiosity.

Magnetic Phenomenon Is Real

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