True Devils, real Repentance... Jesus, Elijah & Moses explain ❤️ The Great Gospel of John revealed thru Jakob Lorber

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THE GREAT GOSPEL OF JOHN Volume 6 – Chapters 8 to 10

Revealed from the Lord thru the Inner Word to Jacob Lorber
True Devils, real Repentance – Jesus and the converted Pharisees

Chapter 8 – Moses und Elijah appear at the Lord’s bidding. Moses’ accusation against the Temple Jews

8,1. Hereupon I turned to the Jews and said: “You did not want to believe that Moses and Elijah had recently been here before Me. Therefore, they shall, recognizable to you, appear here and tell you what kind of people you are.”

8,2. In an instant the two prophets stood in our midst bending their knees deeply before Me.

8,3. And Elijah said in a loud voice: “Before You and Your name all knees and hearts in heaven, on earth and below the earth must bow low!”

8,4. Thereupon Moses said to the Jews: “You blasphemers in the temple of Solomon, you children of the serpent, what devil has begotten you for you to say that Abraham is your father and you are sitting on my – and Aaron’s – chair? Having set yourselves up on it without in the least being called to it in order to proclaim to the peoples the law given to me by God, how can you fail to recognize the Most Sublime Who on Sinai gave me the law on two stone tablets?

8,5. You said that I and brother Elijah ought to have come earlier, – and behold, we were both there! Who of you recognized us and believed in us? And did you not do to us exactly what you did nearly to all the prophets and saints of the Lord? What, then, does it mean that you great hypocrites bow down before my name whilst persecuting and finally killing me between the altar and the Holy of Holies? Do speak and give answer!”

8,6. Said one in a trembling voice: “0 – great prophet -, he who, – who was – killed -, his name was only Zachariah.”

8,7. Said Moses: “You villain who are now old in the body were an eye- and ear-witness to the things I said to the congregation of priests when I came back from the Holy of Holies! Behold, these were my words: ‘Listen, brothers, the Lord God in His great grace and mercy has opened my innermost so that the spirit of Moses entered into me. Now my soul and the spirit of Moses are one man, standing before you, just as he once stood before Pharaoh and on Sinai before God. I was the first to establish this chair and sit on it at God’s bidding, -and now I am sitting on it as the last one thus told by God; for henceforth only the Lord Who, miraculously, has already taken on the flesh of men, will do with this chair according to His unfathomable counsel!’ You flew into a rage because of this my truest prophecy, pulled me down from the chair and killed my body. Is not this what happened?”

8,8. Said another, likewise old Jew, even more meekly: “Yes, so it was, truly -, but – who could have believed such a thing?”

8,9. Said Moses: “Why, then, did a few pious people believe it whom you banished for that reason from the temple to faraway lands among the heathens, some of whom are still in the flesh and able to testify against you?”

8,10. Said again another old Jew: “Yes, this may be true, they must have had a special vision for it; but we have never had a vision!”

8,11. Said Moses: “Oh, you talk dishonestly and deceive yourself! For this was told in spirit to everyone, down to the least servant of the temple, seven times successively, clearly and intelligibly in prophetic dreams, and you all were interpreting them amongst you for weeks, while I was silent. How can you now say that you had not had a vision for it?”

8,12. Replied again the same Jew: “Well – was the dream also a vision? There you see, there you see. Well, – who would at that time have thought anything of the kind?”

8,13. Said Moses: “O you worldly-wise foxes, you knew quite well from many examples in the Scriptures what prophetic dreams mean! For instance, Jacob’s dream, Joseph’s dreams, the dream of Pharaoh and many more have surely whispered into your ears what your seven visions signified. However, your worldliness, priestly pride, your inclination towards a life of pleasure, your exceeding idleness and harlotry of every kind and description blinded and stupefied you. Thus, you were afraid of losing all your pleasant advantages in life on account of this my prophecy and, instead of heeding God’s will, have done everything to defy Him and have been to this hour rebels against God. How do you worms of the dust like this absolutely true story?

8,14. Behold, the Glorious One, the Most High Whose face I, Moses, cannot ever be worthy to see, told you Himself in the temple: ‘Not I, but Moses who is your hope will accuse you before the Father!’ Look, not many days have passed since then and the prophecy of the Supreme Lord is already being fulfilled and I, Moses, in the name of the Lord your chief prophet, am now accusing you before His holy countenance of all the atrocities of which you have become guilty! What can you say for your justification?”

8,15. At this point the Jews, driven into a corner and full of fear and terror, become speechless and can only stammer, unable to utter an intelligible word.

8,16. Only a younger Jew among them said in a trembling voice: “My Lord God is the most terrifying Last Judgment already beginning today?”

8,17. Said Moses: “My accusation is at all times in my hand, but the wrath and revenge is in the hand of the Lord Almighty. Your Judgment Day has already come much nearer to its final aim, but everything depends now only on the Lord. Now speak up how you understand all this.”

8,18. Said an old Jew, his teeth chattering with fear: “O you great prophet Moses, do tell us whether we will go to hell and be lost for good, and whether everyone has his own Judgment Day.”

8,19. Said Moses: “As far as hell is concerned you need not, with your present way of living, ask whether you will go there. Your present way of thinking and your conduct have for a long time been of such a nature that you actually were in hell, and you have been doing everything that is fitting for hell. Since you are already in hell, you can no longer go there.

8,20. As concerns Judgment Day, you will in the next world after the shedding of your body have a youngest day*, just as you will in this world have a last and oldest. However, while you are still living in this world you can, if you want to, easily find a way out of hell, for here amongst you is sitting the great Guide and Redeemer. Listen to Him and act accordingly! – I have spoken before You, O Lord, and now may Elijah take my place.” *Translator’s Note: Doomsday or Judgment Day, in German “jüngster Tag” means literally “Youngest Day”

Chapter 9 – The accusation of Elijah

9,1. Said I: “Elijah, you forerunner and preparer of My ways, what have you to say against these servants of the temple?”

9,2. Said Elijah: “Lord, Moses has said everything. With him the temple has ceased to be a house of God. It has become nothing but a den of thieves and robbers. At the Jordan I clearly showed it to these men and also proved it in every detail. Yet when they saw that they were unable to refute my words with a single shred of evidence, well noticing that they were irrefutably found out and accused of every possible iniquity against You, O Lord, and against the people, they openly laughed and declared me a pious fool to whom one can for fun’s sake listen for a few hours. But secretly they threatened the people lest they see in my teaching more than the ridiculous ravings of a madman.

9,3. Secretly they were full of rage because they noticed that the people still considered me a prophet and honored me as such, repented and were baptized. Only too soon did these evil blasphemers in God’s holy place become aware that through me the axe had been put to their tree, threatening an end to their iniquitous rule. So they beset Herod and proved through all kinds of deceit and evil tricks how gravely his authority was threatened through me. Herod could not see their point since he had firm contracts with Rome to which he always meticulously stuck, so that he could as a matter of course in any adverse situations count on Roman protection. But all this was of no avail; they kept harassing Herod, so much so that in the end he had me imprisoned.

9,4. Once I was imprisoned and my disciples were allowed to visit me in prison, they could no longer harass Herod; but they could not fail to notice that my teaching kept spreading enormously through the efforts of my disciples. Their anger and wrath increased from hour to hour and they enlisted the help of the evil mother of the beautiful Herodias. If, besides his usual oath, Herod should give also his word as a prince when granting Herodias a favor, she was to ask for nothing else but my head. In return for this the mother was to secretly obtain ten thousand pounds of gold from the temple treasure. The beautiful Herodias, well knowing that Herod was secretly fond of me, considered this demand too harsh, but an evil spirit took possession of the old woman and revealed to her the fact that I did not approve of his adulterous relationship and was trying to dissuade him from it. This badly prejudiced also Herodias against me so that when, during the celebrations, she was again urged by her secretly bribed mother, she demanded my head, which greatly saddened Herod, – but, having sworn the oath he had to keep it, and so I was decapitated in prison.

9,5. When the Templers heard of this, they greatly rejoiced and began immediately wherever possible to persecute the people who believed in me. – This, in simple outline and without going into any details with which you are anyway familiar, is their whole depravity, O Lord, and I am now accusing them of it before You! You alone are the Lord of eternity. Do judge them according to Your infinite power, wisdom and justice. Your alone holy will be done.”

9,6. Hereupon I said: “Yes, so it is! There are, to be sure, a few other facts which I Myself have occasionally mentioned and other eye and ear witnesses have reported in My presence, yet this is the true, innermost core of their exceedingly hellish wickedness. But now I ask you, My most faithful prophets and now angels of My Heavens, whether you can forgive these great offenders in My holy place the great wrong they did to you.”

9,7. Said both: “Yes, Lord, for You alone are the reconciliation for all of us! If only You in Your great mercy would enlighten them so that they might see their great iniquity.”

9,8. At My secret sign the two then disappeared and we were alone again.

Chapter 10 – The self-accusation of the priests

10,1. It was a fairly long time before anyone dared to say even a word; for the appearance of the two prophets had moved everyone deeply and had particularly distressed the Jews present.

10,2. Only the innkeeper who sat beside Me also quite thoroughly moved said to Me, subdued: “Lord, Lord, that shows more than anything that You are in truth what You presented Yourself as before the whole nation in the Temple!

10,3. Now it is as clear as day that the promised great age of ages has come with all mercy, but also with all judgment from heaven. Oh, if only I were worthy to take even the smallest part of this mercy!”

10,4. I said: “You can take for yourself not only the smallest part, but the very greatest part! That depends only on your desire to walk with joy and delight according to My teaching, with which you will soon become fully acquainted. But now let us ask the Jews how they liked this true apparition!”

10,5. Thereupon I turned to the twenty Jewish priests and asked them what they thought of this apparition.

10,6. One of them stood up and began to speak as follows: “We are all fully convinced that the apparition was not some magic delusion because a mere phantom, the kind of which I once saw in Damascus, is without a language and does not know about the most secret dates of events which took place a short or long time ago. But because the appearance was certainly no illusion, it surely made a highly ominous impression on us all, and that is because we have seen only too clearly through this that, because of our evil deeds, we cannot possibly expect forgiveness from God for our too great sins.

10,7. It is truly a very difficult thing to be a man in this world! One is exposed to all the temptations of the world and the devil, the double enemy of human life, of which one can see the lesser evil indeed, but no-one sees the second, who entices a person to the world and pulls him with all force, and thus he can resist it only with great difficulty.

10,8. We now see clearly that we have become great sinners, but we cannot comprehend how we gradually came to end up like this. All we can now say is this: Lord, if You can still spare any mercy for us, do have mercy upon us and at least do not judge us too harshly.

10,9. If at the time we had understood this as we do now, Zachariah and, later, John would have been treated differently. But we all were stone-blind, blinded by the world and by the devil and, therefore, acted solely according to our truly devilish blindness and its most evil desire.

10,10. Just as Moses and Elijah have now quite justly accused us before You, O Lord, we now accuse before You the devil, this greatest enemy of mankind. Do summon him also before Your tribunal.”

10,11. Said I: “That part of you belonging to the devil has long since been charged to his account. Yet I tell you that there are now some in the temple who for a long time have been surpassing the devil, dealing with mankind in a way unsurpassed by any devil.

10,12. I also tell you that much less than you think in your foolish belief depends on the temptations through the devils. The true devil is man himself with his worldly desires. From these goes forth self-love – which is one devil -, the passion for a life of luxury – a second devil -, ambition, pride, lust for power, anger, revenge, envy, avarice, arrogance, harlotry and contempt for his fellowman -, all these are devils begotten on man’s own ground and soil. Therefore, you should not be so scared of the devil nor should you accuse him. However, do accuse yourselves in your conscience and do proper repentance and firmly resolve to become completely different men, and then carry it out!

10,13. Love God truly above all and the poor neighbour as yourselves, and your many and great sins will be forgiven. For as long as man does not completely give up sin he cannot be forgiven it, for sin is man’s own doing because it proceeds from his flesh and from the will of his soul.

10,14. The good works according to the will and the word of God, even if conducted by man out of free self-determination, are really always a grace from above, a merit of God’s Spirit within the human heart, and man shares in it by the very grace of God. – Now you know how things are. You are free and can do what you wish.”

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