Harvest Host Verses Cracker Barrel, Which one would you rather stay at?

2 years ago

We are at traveling Interstate 10 and it is time to refuel this baby does not go very far without her go go juice. We used to wash our RV by hand but we discovered that we prefer to have her washed. At the Truck wash is the one place that Fred lets me think about driving. So, far the most I have driven is pulling forward in long lines. What can be better than fresh fruit and vegetables at a local farmers market and there is room for us to pull over so we can check it out. Hang on we can't travel from A- B without stopping by a Harvest Host. This one is a winery in Texas where we meet other RVers and share a glass of wine with them. Finally we wrap up our haul with a night out at a Cracker Barrel where one of Fred's wishes come true. Come and enjoy our adventure with us. RV Travels Days - Taking Our Time .

We're Mary and Fred! In 2020, we transitioned from part time RVing to full time and travel the country looking for teachable moments to help the nomadic homeschooling community. We explore, experience and educate, because it's not too late to believe in Jesus.

Special thanks to our fellow Vloggers for all the support you give us:

Adventures with M & M - https://www.youtube.com/c/AdventureswithMMChannel
Eat Sleep RV Repeat - https://www.youtube.com/c/EatSleepRVRepeat
LivingOurDreamNow - https://www.youtube.com/c/LivingOurDreamNow

The EdelKampers is a YouTube channel intended for entertainment purposes only. We are not experts and these opinions are only intended to show what methods we use when it comes to RV Living.

The EdelKampers Blog: https://edelkampers.com
Songs: RunningWaters, Serenity, CoolSteelBreeze and RedwoodTrail
Music by audionautix.com
Harvest Hosts 15% off: http://harvesthosts.refr.cc/fredrickedelkamp
SoftStartRV: Free shipping and a $30 discount: https://softstartrv.com/tech
Thousand Trails: Jim & Brandy 770-622-4188 brandy_reneau@equitylifestyle.com
Mention The EdelKampers for the Best rate
Passport America: https://passportamerica.com

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