McGeorge Bundy

2 years ago

Scion of a venerable Boston family going back to the Mayflower, McGeorge Bundy had access to all of the Eastern elite. He attended top prep schools, was inducted into Yale's Skull and Bones club, was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and eventually acceded to the position of National Security adviser to both Presidents Kennedy and Johnson. After leaving the White House, he was tapped to run the globalist Ford Foundation. Asked to help the oil cartels create a pretext to make petroleum scarce (thereby driving up its value), he wrote a groundbreaking energy policy study (called "A Time to Choose"). It laid out the strategy for the future Green movement and provided most of its vocabulary: from "sustainability" to "service-based economy" to "Post-Industrial society," most of the modern buzzwords derive from Bundy's book. As did the strategy of creating fake environmentalist movements to do the bidding of the oil companies.

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