Therese of Calcutta - How did Gen Z Vote? - Sunday Gospel Prep

2 years ago

Catholic Drive Time - 877-757-9424

Date – Thursday, November 10, 2022 - Memorial of Saint Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church

INTRO – She loved chocolate, was impatient, and got Mad... Jim Towey’s insider look at Saint Theresa of Calcutta.
And – Saying the quite part out loud.... - Whoever owns the culture in the end owns politics. -
Gen Z voted BIG this week... 79% of 18-29 concerned for LGBTQ & abortion rights
Also – Hector Molina – The Sunday Gospel -

Quick News -
- As of right now, In the House races, Democrats hold 191 seats to the Republicans 210 (need 218 for a majority). And in the senate, the Democrats have 48 seats to the Republicans 40 (need 51 for a majority).
- Amazon Makes History After Losing $1 Trillion in Market Value Amid Tech Stock Rout
- Latin American Countries Release Thousands of Criminals from overcrowded Prisons.
- On Tuesday, at annual climate change conference held by the UN, John Kerry said that the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) “First Movers Coalition” climate initiative has been modeled from COVID vaccine rollouts.

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What’s Concerning Us? – America’s Death Wish
The predominant culture today in America is as addicted to a civilizational death wish as any of the progressive countries in Europe.
The UNDER 30’s came out to vote... John Della Volpe, director of polling for the Institute of Politics at the Harvard Kennedy School:
The polling showed that among 19 to 29-year-olds, 40% said they would definitely vote, 16% said they would probably vote, and another 18% said there was a 50/50 chance they would vote. Only 25% said they would probably not or definitely not vote.
That same poll found that Gen Z voters were far more likely to prefer Democratic congregational candidates than Republican candidates, by 57% to 31% respectively.
What DID they vote for?
79% of 18-29 concerned for LGBTQ & abortion rights
Unmarried women with no children lead the charge!

Guest Seg. - Jim Towey – To Love and Be Loved: A Personal Portrait of Mother Teresa
“A Life that is not lived for others is not worth living”
She preferred the dignity of insecurity of God’s Providence
The person – impatience, got mad, the chocolate
The suffering
Dark night

2nd Guest Seg. - Hector Molina – The Sunday Gospel - Lk 21:5-19

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