Health (closing segment) - UK Column News - 9th November 2022

2 years ago

- Patient Safety Commissioner, Dr Henrietta Hughes: follow-up on 2 November segment
- Correspondence on screen: Debi Evans and Charlet Crichton have been trying in vain to talk to Dr Hughes
- Dr Hughes has been in post for over two months and still seems to have no working office
- Her assistant, Rachel Downey, is a former nursing journalist
- Unaccountably, the Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch is not showing any engagement with vaccine-injured people
- Clip: The quietly well-connected HSIB speaks well of itself but is a toothless tiger that will not apportion blame or find liability
- Get your boosters, says the NHS, while spikes in deaths of newborn babies continue to cause concern in Scotland
- "Fact-checkers" (of poor reputation) assure us that Covid vaccines aren't comparable to the thalidomide scandal, but the Science Museum documents otherwise
- Pfizer's maternal vaccines for RSV (see above) now being reported in Israel and by LiveScience
- Even an international conference planned in Rome, a year from now, on mRNA vaccines in pregnancy: ICMIVVD 23
- GlaxoSmithKline halts antibiotic trial and several manufacturers have shortage of key broad-spectrum antibiotic amoxicillin; antimicrobial resistance is the looming spectre
- VacZine Analytics tease Debi Evans with a tweet noting her mention of them on UK Column News
- Debi invites VacZine Analytics to interview their founder Dr John Savopoulos; no response
- Debi finds content has started to go missing from VacZine Analytics' website since she focused on them: Summer 2022 Company Brochure taken offline and placeholder says Winter 2022 Company Brochure is "comming soon!" (sic)
- Even VacZine Analytics found it odd in 2018 that Pfizer and BioNTech were partnering
- Screenshot page from now-offline VacZine Analytics Summer 2022 Company Brochure says "67 global pathogens/indications included in new vaccines category", meaning "no current licensed vaccine exists"
- Tumbleweed from BBC's "Specialist Disinformation Correspondent" Marianna Spring in response to Debi's invitation to discuss her hit piece on Richard Hall and introduce her to some other gaslit and trolled people, namely the Covid vaccine-injured
- Clip: Spring at work boasting of her easy conversion of a viewer to another worldview

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