️ Love

2 years ago

#KajianUZM #UstadzZeinMuchsin #cintasayang

️ Love

Full Video : https://youtu.be/8WGMEOCNwRQ
Isn't Islam a religion of rahmatan lil alamin, a religion that teaches compassion for the whole world, whoever is around you, whoever he is, whatever his language, when he says the words Lailahaillallah Muhammadur Rasulullah, he is your brother no matter what the situation is even if your brother at that time was disobeying Allah. you need to berate let alone insult him because maybe he is looking for peace and peace, it's just the way it may not be in accordance with religious rules So don't ever look at other people with the glasses of hatred but look at it with the eyes of love Hasn't Allah, our Lord, already said the word that Allah has ordained for him to be affectionate
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From Abu Mas'ud Radhiyallahu anhu said, "The Messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, 'Whoever shows something good, then he gets a reward like the reward of those who do it." [HR. Muslim]

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