Emergencies Act commission counsel Gabriel Poliquin suddenly collapses during questioning

2 years ago

Lawyer Gabriel Poliquin suddenly collapsed on Wednesday November 9th, 2022 in hearings on the Canadian Freedom Trucker protests.

One plausible explanation for Poliquin's collapse is pure stress and exhaustion. However, people seem to be suddenly and unexpectedly collapsing at vastly increased rates since the beginning of 2021.

The following tweets by Poliquin from April 28, 2021 and June 30, 2021 respectively, indicate that he had 2 AstraZeneca jabs. The tweets seem to have been removed on the day of his collapse.


Luckily, we have the internet archive:

FR: "Pis ça a même pas fait mal!!! #AstraZeneca"
EN: "And it didn't even hurt!!! #AstraZeneca"

FR: "Bon été tout le monde! Have a great summer everybody! #vaccinéaubout #vaxxedtothemax"
EN: "Have a good summer everyone! Have a great summer everyone! #vaccinatedtothemax #vaxxedtothemax"

Blockages in blood vessels (regular blood clots or calamari clots) could be a possible explanation.

Cardiologists and other doctors have said that clinical (with sensible symptoms) or subclinical (without sensible symptoms) heart inflammation combined with high stress hormones (e.g. sports, speeches, hearings) can cause sudden collapse and death, see:

Sudden injuries, deaths in vaxxed athletes may be due to too much catecholamines | dr. Peter McCullough

However, these collapses also seem to happen in people who at that time don't seem to be severely stressed or exhausted.

A healthy young man of about 20 years old personally told me that he suddenly collapsed around October of 2021. He got the COVID jabs shortly before. He has no memories of his collapse and woke up in the hospital. After his collapse, doctors in the hospital examined him, but could find nothing abnormal. He wore a cardiac monitor for some time after his release, but this also showed nothing out of the ordinary.


Lawyer collapses during Emergencies Act inquiry, delaying proceedings | CBC

Lawyer collapses during Emergencies Act inquiry, prompting move to next witness | CityNews Winnipeg

Livestream of the hearing

SOURCE: https://globalnews.ca/video/9265740/emergencies-act-commission-counsel-collapses-during-questioning

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