Increase your IQ - Yes, really!

2 years ago

Being presented with knowledge is only a small part of the equation. Retaining knowledge is a bit more tricky. Having the mechanics to retain knowledge, this is where the secret is. Most of us have a disorganized pattern to focus or study, while some make it look simple. Right brained or left brained, you don't have to just settle on one or the other. It is very possible to utilize or operate both machines at the same time. Book smart or artistic, we often think that we fall in one or the other. Why put limits on ourselves? This isochronic tone was designed to target in on the mechanism of focus and carving new pathways to both sides without bias, getting them to both work together. When both sides are working together, our minds become a very powerful and productive machine. Think of it this way, no one said you can have a washer without a dryer, or vice versa. You can wash clothes but can't dry them. Or you can dry wet clothes but you must wash them by hand. This is the common way of thinking when it comes to the norm of teaching, growing up. You are either able to retain the plans to a machine, or you are able to build the machine, or you are able to decorate the machine. You have the tools to do all of it. So, that being said, this one I designed years ago to trigger the ability to "manage" all parts of the brain to work together. Over a short time, it will make habit of carving new pathways, not trenches of or ruts to one destination of information flow. This taps into your normal cell software, so to say, and puts things back to right when it comes to your abilities. Alot of the time it is very difficult to do this on our own, because of our environment or diet and chemistry or daily emotional dealings. This was designed to straighten up your work space. To come at things with all your tools and faculties, instead of just making due or getting by while already being immersed.

If you have a way of downloading my videos, even as mp3's, do it so you can use them anytime you want. If not, check out our website, I am making a special page to store them, so you can download them for free there. Once in a while I come across my Cd's for sale, but I don't sell them any longer, I like giving them away if it can help someone. I make my living on my farm now and with our hand built projects. Like many of you hidden out there, I much rather give more than I get. Now I'm starting to sound like a used car salesman during a close out sale, sorry for that. Below is a bit more of my background if you care to read.

I had spent over 30 years as a sound engineer and obsessed with natural healing. During that time I designed a series of 12 CD's, all focusing on cell manipulation using sound technology. I released them back in 2012/2013 which I used to sale on amazon back in the day, then on youtube I would release a set here and there. I have recently moved over here to Rumble to join the rest of you folks and having no desire to sale my cd's these days, I still love how they work and how they help people, so I am uploading them here that maybe I can still do my part to help people however I can.

I have since retired from sound to start a farm, which has now been 10 years ago, so much of the content that I and my family want to add to our channel will be along the lines of farm/offgrid living, building, sawmill stuff and other what nots. But I did want to carry over my work from days gone by, because it has helped many people around the world and I would like that to continue, where people don't have to buy my work, just enjoy it.

I have practiced and taught meditation and astral projection techniques for many years, just another spiritual passion of mine, so over time I might do some videos on things of that nature.

If you are new to sound healing, it's simple and safe to use and easy to understand the principle. Just imagine yourself as a radio and the cells in your body are the antennas, with the sound technology being the radio station. It's an analogue way of reprogramming cell software, so to say. If you enjoy our work, maybe you can cheer us on by keeping up with our journey along with us.

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