Interview 343 with Dallas Hills

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Dallas Hills was born in Rossland, British Columbia, raised on a farm with an orchard, in an area called Black Bridge that lies between Creston BC and Port Hill Idaho. Like most children, I attended the brick & mortar, brainwashing indoctrination institution, called the Central Elementary School, located in Cranbrook, BC. I grew up hunting elk, deer, and moose and led a farming lifestyle. As I recall, "things were amazing" back then.
The bush, mountains, freshwater lakes, and creeks were my back yard to roam and explore freely in as I desired. I spent most of my life in the woods back then, and felt that school was more of a distraction from real-world events as opposed to what really matters in life. Reading, writing, and math are very important subjects, but all other ones, were just hideous propaganda.
In 1979 I moved to Nanaimo, BC on Vancouver Island. This was a huge transition for a country boy like me to relocate to a city of a population of nearly 60,000 people. It was during this time that my life changed dramatically. When I learned of how I was enslaved by this entity called "Canada" and that the entire political system of voting was just an illusion.
Why I am a Truther?
It was during the economic crash of 1980, under the leadership of Pierre Trudeau. I wanted some answers to what was happening to our country. After some research I realized that our so-called government undermined the Sovereign men and women, in what I now refer to as the unlawful corporation of Canada INC.
I learned from other truthers from their research and findings over the years, some horrifying facts. Still unsure, I began to research more and more to discredit their findings. This became an endless journey and also a nightmare to sum it up in simple terms.
I started to delve into many rabbit holes, digging into everything that just did not make sense to me. As my research continued, I struggled as many truthers do, with my findings that the entire system was designed for a few. The rest of the men and woman, were merely slaves to these small groups of PARASITES.
I was surrounded or felt I was in a cross roads in life and unsure what to do.
Speak up and be considered a nut job. Lose my career be blackballed by the PARASITES who own and run everything. Literally, everything from the financial, economic and political their most powerful tool they create their own laws, and have the power to silence anyone who stands in their way!
Or, do nothing and go on through life as a coward, knowing the facts that could save my family and friends but doing nothing. I hesitated for quite a while but always felt that I may be wrong for doubting myself. Asking myself numerous times "why do I see and know these things, and others do not question or mention a word of this?".
My thirst for truth motivated me to relentlessly question the corruption and unaccountability of our so-called politicians and bureaucrats. The most important question and observation was, why is the law only applicable to the people (slaves) but not to the law makers themselves. Why were a certain segment within society "above the law?".
My research also linked me to others that were also questioning the system, and this is how I was able to connect with amazing sovereigns such as, Bill Abram, Dennis Shaw, Terry Hand, Mel Gardner, Pat Callaghan, and many others on the quest of educating the masses on how we have all been deceived. Sovereigns like myself that are determined and dedicated to spreading the truth.
The Purpose of "Travelling Truth", is to bring important information to you , your family and friends that may be interested in re-educating themselves on the true history of Canada and what the solution is.
The video link below is a "blast from the past" on my involvement with spreading the truth and educating others on the corruption of our government system for 40 plus years. The problem of how we're repeating history by following the controlled opposition distractions of useless We would all do well to select carefully the issues to which we will devote our time and efforts!

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