What is some shit going on around the world right now that the public probably doesn’t know about?

2 years ago

What is some dark shit going on around the world right now that the public probably doesn’t know about?
Rape and other forms of sexual violence happen in psychiatric wards.
Most shrimp caught near SE asia and parts of Africa are caught by literal slaves who are forced onto slave ships or sold by their families into servitude.
Bacteria are becoming more and more resistant to antibiotics. The widespread use of antibiotics for healthcare and agriculture (mainly) have caused bacteria to adapt. This means that in the not so distant future, we may have new epidemics caused by multi-drug resistant bacteria, who will be difficult to treat.
Have you noticed nobody in bed with Epstein has been charged or even *named*, even after they convicted his girlfriend of trafficking?
I'm in Mexico right now. Indigenous children are being sold for rape in the state of guerrero like pieces of meat. Gov't turns a blind eye and civilians are threatened by the cartel. It's messed up.
The “Clients” of Jeffery Epstein and Ghislane Maxwell are still pedophiles, and still free, putting innocent children at risk.
I think we need a subreddit or news website dedicated to that kind of "non trending and barely known but actually very important news", is there something like that out there?
In Africa there is a very real and very extensive slave trade going on right now to say nothing of the other probably 40 million living in bondage.
Thanks for sharing all this guys I don’t think I’m living past 50 now.
Women going missing from Indian Reservations across some of the US. Many are young women and probably being used for sex trafficking. There are some interesting podcasts on the subject.
Highway of Tears. A stretch of highway in BC where women (mostly Indigenous, and also some men) have gone missing for decades. Known somewhat in Canada but largely ignored by the general populace. Doubt it’s know outside of Canada, but could be wrong.
Behind every polished business facade is a hodgepodge of systems that are hacked together to service you, data protection is 2nd to revenue, all the networks and system engineers have the power truely steal all your data.
Sex trafficking in Ukraine. How better to “disappear” young women and children than during war time.
A horrific percentage of the ships sailing around on our oceans are staffed by people who are either outright slaves, or working in extreme indentured slavery circumstances.
I’m a nurse I’m the U.S. the short staffing is worse than you think. People think the healthcare system *will* collapse or is *going to* collapse but it’s not, it already has. Just because you don’t see the hospitals on fire doesn’t mean there isn’t some *severe* staffing and supply shortages
The labor used to build the upcoming FIFA world cup stadiums...
Somalia is pretty much gone at this point, facing war and one of its worst famines in ages, it would be a miracle if they make it through
The sheer volume of child trafficking that happens.
Many of us have probably gone past houses where there is somebody being held prisoner and had no idea.
Middle Class is taking it right square in the ass with no lube.
Humanity has wiped out 60% of animal populations since 1970.
Most of the people that slept with Epsteins girls are still in positions of power and rich.
8000 women are burned to death every year over dowry disputes in India. This figure does not count women killed by other means or women who survive the burning or women killed for reasons other than dowry disputes.
Female Infanticide, i.e. the deliberate killing of newborn female children, is still happening in rural India. A full term new born baby is buried alive if unfortunate enough to be female. The mother is usually trying to get pregnant right after, until she finally gives birth to the prized male child.
Everyday a different person asks a slightly reworded question about what men or women want on ask reddit
People going to the hospital and picking up a nasty antibiotic-resistant infection.
The civil war and humanitarian crisis in Yemen that the media ignores. Been going on for years now. Funny how the media will rally their support around certain countries but not others.
Most of what is really happening in Iran isn’t being reported.
The police bill in UK just updated that protesters can now be forced by law to wear a tracking device :/ even years later. No one knows or has raised it in the media. Super scary
2 serial killers were caught just last week in the USA
That 90 Plus percent of the local news you're seeing is basically just the same newscast from Texas to Florida from Alaska to Washington. They just add in a traffic wreck or 7-Eleven shooting the people that sit in those chairs are puppets.
Human trafficking kids through the foster care system.
The level of spying social media and pretty mich every website does in us

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