Japan Dumping Treasuries at Record Pace

2 years ago

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Japan's foreign reserves fell by a record amount in October, marking three months straight of their foreign reserves falling. This comes after September, which is when they started intervening to save their currency. As we've talked about a few times, their currency has been virtually failing and it has been falling versus other currencies like the dollar extremely quickly.

This prompted them to intervene on the 22nd of September for the first time in years to try and prop up the value of their yen, which ultimately failed and caused them to have to intervene again about a month later on the 21st of October. Now, in order to intervene in your currency's decline, which means you have to be selling something, so you have the purchasing power to buy back your own currency.

You can't buy back your own currency with your own currency. There's got to be an exchange going on. Hence, ‘foreign exchange’. What we're seeing here is they’re selling reserves of foreign assets and then using purchasing power from that to buy back the currency here. When you buy something back and add that which buying pressure is going to bid up the price and stop the price decline.

0:00 Japan’s Foreign Reserves Fall for Third Month Straight
1:04 Japan Sells off its Reserves
2:43 Japan Trying to Sell Off US Treasuries
4:49 A Problem That is Still to Come

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#JapaneseYen #Treasuries #JPY

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