General Michael Flynn reports in DIGITAL ARMY analysis 11 9 22

2 years ago

Report points:
1. AMERICANS need to remain STEADY.
3. Possibility for more wins in the House.
4. Georgia has a run off and we win another Senate Seat.
5. Exit polls show anger at direction of Country.
6. Florida was counted in ONE NIGHT.
7. AZ NV PA gained GOP voters over 2020
8. AZ NV Marchant and Finchem both (Coalition candidates). Will EXPOSE FRAUD. ELECTION and the method of Digital routing. (Mike Lindall tracking)
9. Stay Focused and Steady!
10. AZ still has Half Million votes to count- big Race Kari Lake Wins.
11. Sec of State in Arizona disgusting display of Partisanship.
12. Fake News, MSM will spout "Trumpism" didn't work. (And will create hit pieces against JUAN for Coalition of Candidates).
13. Not riding the PERFECT WAVE but it is a STRONG ENOUGH WAVE. To get us to where we want to be RIGHT NOW.
14. Don't want people to lose hope out there.
15. LETS FOCUS ON 2022.
16. Take this back to the LOCAL LEVEL. Stay STEADY Stay FOCUSED. Take a Deep Breath.
17. We Will Win this Back... from the BOTTOM UP. The Christian Community is the Largest Voting Block in the Country. For Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Stand UP Speak UP where ever you CAN.

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