Like That Line From The Movie "They Live" - "We've Got One Who Can See" (She Hasn't Been Taking Her Nightly TV Feedings)) ( - 0455)

2 years ago

Like A Line From The Movie They Live - We've Got One Who Can See.

( - 0455)

She talks about KT (known traveler) digital ID (known traveller digital Identity) - look it up. KTID [Note that the word traveller is the UK spelling of traveler (U.S. version) - its not a mispelling.)

"The Known Traveller Digital Identity, or KTDI, is a World Economic Forum initiative that brings together a global consortium of individuals, governments, authorities and the travel industry to enhance security in world travel.

The first global collaboration of its kind, KTDI enables more secure and more seamless travel that benefits both travellers and the travel industry.

KTDI enables consortium partners to access verifiable claims of a traveller’s identity data so they can assess their credibility, optimise passenger processing and reduce risk.

KTDI allows individuals to manage their own profile and collect digital ‘attestations’ of their personal data, deciding what data to share and when.

The more attestations a traveller accumulates and shares, the better consortium partners, governments and other parties can provide a smooth and safe travel experience."

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