Pope Admits Genocide in Canada. Federal Reserve Banks Have 0% Reserve Requirements.

2 years ago

Today, I am going to demonstrate the connection of the Vatican, The Chinese Communist Party, and the Royal Family of Britain to the financial collapse of the banking system, and the genocide of the Canadian First Nations Tribes. After presenting this information, we will have a clearer picture of why the Pope may have called the worldwide assets of the Vatican back to his Vatican Bank by September 3o, 2022.

Could the mass graves of dead First Nations Tribal People in Canada and the Popes admission of genocide by the Church in Canada, and subsequent judgements worldwide be related to all assets being called back to Rome?

We will also discuss the Federal Reserves March 2020 announcement that the U.S. banks no longer are required to have any reserves. What does this mean for the general public? Why are the bankers and the politicians hiding this news.

The content in today’s podcast is not meant for children.


International Criminal Court Document. – Peter Gogarty. November 2015. Crimes against Humanity by members of the Hierarchy of the Catholic Church.

Queen Elizabeth Druid Initiation. https://www.tiktok.com/@magusdarkhold/video/7137789822248160555?is_from_webapp=v1&item_id=7137789822248160555

BANKS Now Flagging Customers Withdrawing CASH! Last Chance To Get Money Out Before. Posted Sep 23, 2022. Michael Cowan.

SITUATION CRITICAL: BofA WARNS Of Systemic "BREAKDOWN" Of Financial System. Oct 20, 2022. Gregory Mannarino. You Tube.

Reuters News. https://www.reuters.com/world/pope-says-genocide-took-place-church-schools-canada-indigenous-children-2022-07-30/

Australia Child Abuse Commission Report: https://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/sites/default/files/SUBM.0046.001.0953.pdf

ICC Filings Vatican. Crimes Against Humanity. https://ccrjustice.org/home/get-involved/tools-resources/fact-sheets-and-faqs/fact-sheet-seeking-justice-icc

Aljazeera. https://www.aljazeera.com/features/longform/2021/11/8/the-stench-of-death-life-along-canadas-highway-of-tears

Book on Murder of First Nations People in Canada: Murderbydecree.com

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