2 years ago

It’s a Blood Moon/Luner eclipse tonight- So witchcraft has been VERY VERY high the past 3 days. Its probably why you’ve been under pressure with the level of witchcraft over our nation this week.
God IS ALL TRUTH! He is calling us to be LOVERS OF TRUTH- and while His true remnant is coming into ALL truth- those who have chosen to stay the same are getting this violently with this spirit in their mind/will/emotions.
The enemy is losing his power (on all 7 mountains) so they are in a panic, so they are giving it everything they’ve got because they are losing power. They are resorting to the lowest forms possible revealing the their most inward parts – which is part of what Pastor John Kilpatrick spoke about was part of the Leviathan spirit.
(Kilpatrick 2022) States: Characteristics that they house: LEVIATHAN/ which houses many other spirit/vessels around itself like itself- because “like draws like”- so this is what we are seeing in this hour in churches/ in Government- to where people have lost the heart of God because they have left their first love. These people are hard to live with, they are “high maintenance”, and they make humble people have to walk on eggshells around them because they need so much deliverance. They protect themselves with other people who also operate in: (haughtiness/ lying spirits, denial, rejection, pride, lust, insecurity, covetousness, jealousy, smugness, arrogance, shame, manipulation/control, Fear, religion, to protect this demon on those vessels
And if you confront these vessels- they will rise up on you like the dragon they are- because they are full of pride that they actually think they are ok- and more holy than anyone else in the room. But they will never look at their own hearts so that God can set them free. Per John Kilpatrick: If you confront them- they are so shut off to their own traumas/hurts- that they get furious when you try to ask why they are so mad- that you would have the audacity to confront them -and try to make them get vulnerable enough for freedom.
THIS is what MANY true loving leaders/sheep are having to deal with from those who have refused to get free from this witchcraft. They pray through a heart filled with witchcraft and are so self-delusional- that they actually think/act like they are Gods “Choice meat” but are really Gods scraps to the dogs because of their heart conditions.
Pride is a dimmable thing when it enters into a Pentecostal fellowship because of the way it quenches the Holy Spirit- that once operated in power, love, but now that fellowship has turned the focus on itself (just like Satan did before he was cast out of Heaven) because like Satan- that people group have become very vain. This spirit is roaring around in this hour and trying to knock out as any truly godly men/women leaders in this hour as it can – and this is an hour where EVERY heart needs to get before God to get this stuff off (Kilpatrick 2022)

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