Division equal destruction (A divided kingdom, Mark 3:23-27, Matthew 12:24-30)

2 years ago

Division equal destruction (A divided kingdom, Mark 3:23-27, Matthew 12:24-30)
If you look up the idiom, “divide and conquer” in the Merriam-Webster dictionary you get the following definition, “to make a group of people disagree and fight with one another so that they will not join together against one.” So essentially if you get a group of people arguing with each other instead of focusing on a common issue or problem then they are easy to conquer or control. Many believe this is what the political system in American has effectively done, it has the people focused on fighting with each other instead of fixing the serious problems our nation has. As we begin to study this parable what must realize that it begins (Mark 3:22) when the religious elite of Jesus’s time says that He cast out demons by powers of the devil. Jesus then begins to let them know that a Kingdom divide is doomed to fail and that satan would not fight against himself or he would just be undermining his own kingdom. It makes perfect sense that a divided kingdom is a defeated and doomed kingdom.
Jesus should not have had to explain to the religious leaders of his time that good and evil do not mingle with each other and are natural enemies. For Jesus to free people from the demonic forces that oppressed them should have been an eye-opening experience that revealed two opposite kingdoms had collided and the more powerful prevailed. We must realize that light has no fellowship with darkness and that we as the church should live our lives in accordance with this. We should be at odds with the kingdom of darkness, but the modern church seems to want to mingle with the enemy as occult practices, satanic holidays, demonic films and shows, has become welcomed into the life of many regular church goers which begs the question, “Which side are they really on?” Verse 25 says a house divided cannot stand and this goes for your home as well, a line in the sand must be drawn and we must choose which kingdom we will follow, The Kingdom of God or the one of this world system. Division always equal destruction and the enemy would love nothing more than to separate you from the love of God eternally by having you believe you can be a part of both kingdoms.

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