Astrology Houses || What I Learned About My 12th House

2 years ago

#astrologyhouses #12thhouse #ShayoliHope

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00:00 Intro

00:58 WHAT is the 12th house?

The 12th house is considered the "unseen realm" and encompasses your spirituality and higher purpose areas of your life and home.

01:18 WHERE is my 12th house?

You can use to look up where the 12th house is located in your natal chart...also known as a birth chart.

Your 12th house will be located on the left-hand side of your natal chart, right above the ascending sign, and will be marked with the number 12.

2:14 WHEN is the sun in my 12th house?

To find when the sun will be transiting (going through) your 12th house, pull up your transit chart and move the chart ahead or backward until the sun on the outer ring matches up with the beginning of your 12th house. Look at the transite date on the right side and that will be around the day when your 12th house starts.

To find when your 12th house ends, move the chart ahead until the sun on the outer ring matches up with the end of your 12th house. This transit date will give you an estimate of when the sun leaves your 12th house and moves into your 1st house.

3:55 How it might affect you

You may not want to be as social during this transition and instead feel the pull to go more inward in order to reconnect with yourself and God or your higher power. Even if you love to consume content on a daily basis, like I do, during most of the may find yourself avoiding heavy content and find yourself sitting in silence more often.

Allow yourself this time to reconnect and tune in to your higher self. Doing so will help you realign your life.

4:59 What I learned from it

I'm sure in years past, before I knew anything about astrology, I have gone through this transition with the same desire to disconnect from the world and reconnect with myself. However, I did it unaware that it happens at the same time every year and that I can benefit immensely from it.

Now that I'm aware of this astrological timing, I can plan ahead in order to allow myself the time and space needed to really soak it in.

Next year, I plan to take a trip with my husband or girlfriend during my 12th house transit. I will also take some time off work during the middle of this transit when the energy is the strongest.

In order to do that, I need to plan ahead and batch out my content when the sun is in my 11th house...which is perfect timing since the 11th house is all about community.

7:00 12th house in the home

You may ask, "If the 12th house is a time to connect to God and my higher self...what can I do in my home to support that?" I'm so glad you asked!

This is the perfect time to focus on raising the energy of your home. Let go of anything that isn't in alignment with you anymore and create your own little sanctuary where you can reconnect with God and your higher self on a daily basis.

Your own personal sanctuary doesn't have to be an entire room. It could be a corner of your bedroom, your closet, or even a space as small as a drawer.

No matter how big or how small, this is YOUR space. Make it a place that lights you up every time you enter (or open) it.

9:44 Outro

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