my coworker has the system beat and they can't do anything to fire him

2 years ago

my coworker has the system beat and they can't do anything to fire him

My coworker shits for 6hrs a shift. 6 whole fucking hours. He got a doctors not saying he has IBS and could be using the bathroom at all times so he does. He seriously is only seen at breaks and lunch and he does 1.5 to 2 hrs of work a day. We are slow in his department so he just fucks around. Management has tried to fire him several times and there isn't shit they can do. We have a dude who's basically Dwight schrute has no real power but tries to get people fired he wasted his whole day using a stop watch and timing this dude he did it for a full week concluded he's out of area between 5 to 6 hrs a night. The ass kiss went to hr about it HR dude said he has a note and we can't do shit about it. He then wrote ass kiss up for harassment and wasting company time policing this guys behavior. I love it not only did the lazy employee win but the ass kiss got punished.

#reddit #antiwork #tts

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