What is a bo staff master?

2 years ago

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What is a bo staff master? You are when you master the basic spins and strikes in this follow along bo staff master class. Long martial arts staff basic training introduces you to the basic moves of bo spinning and tricks. This is not a self defense video but is good cross training for bo staff self defense. Long martial arts staff basic training is a great starting point for you on your learn martial arts online at home journey. Become a master of long staff basics and you will easily answer what is a bo staff master.

A bō (棒: ぼう), bong (Korean), pang (Cantonese), bang (Mandarin), or kun (Okinawan) is a staff weapon used in Okinawa. Bō are typically around 1.8 m (71 in) and used in Okinawan martial arts, while being adopted into Japanese arts such particular bōjutsu.

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