Episode 889: Strive to enter by the narrow gate

2 years ago

Incomprehensible Creator, the true Fountain of light and
only Author of all knowledge: vouchsafe, we beseech Thee,
to enlighten our understandings, and to remove from us all
darkness of sin and ignorance. Thou, who makest eloquent the
tongues of those that want utterance, direct our tongues, and pour
on our lips the grace of Thy blessing. Give us a diligent and
obedient spirit, quickness of apprehension, capacity of retaining,
and the powerful assistance of Thy holy grace; that what we hear
or learn we may apply to Thy honor and the eternal salvation of
our own souls.

O Mary, Mother of fair love, of fear, of knowledge, and
of holy hope, by whose loving care and intercession many,
otherwise poor in intellect, have wonderfully advanced in
knowledge and in holiness, thee do I choose as the guide and
patroness of my studies; and I humbly implore, through the
deep tenderness of thy maternal love, and especially through
that eternal Wisdom who deigned to take from thee our flesh
and who gifted thee beyond all the saints with heavenly light,
that thou wouldst obtain for me by thy intercession the grace
of the Holy Spirit that I may be able to grasp with strong intellect,
retain in memory, proclaim by word and deed, and teach others
all things which bring honor to thee and to thy Son, and which
for me and for others are salutary for eternal life. Amen

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