What’s Happening Around Cabrera?

2 years ago

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I had the opportunity to scout around Cabrera and sort of catch up on a few of the happenings. The Malecon is progressing nicely but what might even represent a bigger project is the breakwater and dock that’s soon to commence at Playa El Puerto. I hear there’s going to even be a boat ramp to launch and haul out small boats. If the rumor is true, that will be an excellent upgrade for the town. Many folks have asked about boating facilities and as of the present there are none. Lastly, they’re black topping the Naranjito road. A project that should have commenced long ago. As Cabrera grows so are its prices. Perhaps you’ve waited long enough. Any doubts about Cabrera growing as a community should have long ago been laid to rest. We’re on the rise and for the next long while looks like it’s going to remain that way. Until next time. Barry in DR.

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Hash Tags:
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