How Conventional Medicine Kills, and What to Do About It- Interview with Dr. Leland Stillman

2 years ago

In this interview, Dr. Leland Stillman discusses his new book, “Dying to be Free: How America’s Ruling Class Is Killing and Bankrupting Americans, and What to Do About It.” He shares his views on both the conventional and alternative health care systems, and how an entirely new health care system can, and is, being built that is focused on maintaining health rather than managing disease.

In “Dying to be Free: How America’s Ruling Class Is Killing and Bankrupting Americans, and What to Do About It,” Dr. Leland Stillman shares his views on conventional and alternative health care systems, and how an entirely new health care system can, and is, being built that is focused on maintaining health rather than managing disease.

Emergency care medicine can make you better in a short amount of time, but 99% of the people in the ER and the urgent care wouldn't be there if they had a healthy environment, a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet.

GoldCares Health & Wellness is creating a robust training for clinicians that incorporates the best of allopathic and natural medicine.

You can save a lot of money by becoming a member of a Health Care Sharing Ministry such as Medi-Share, Liberty HealthShare or Zion HealthShare. Members share expenses and prices are negotiated with hospitals to minimize the cost for each bill.

Many are stuck in the health insurance loop because they fear they wouldn’t be able to pay for certain drugs, were they to develop some disease. However, if your doctor can help keep you healthy, you don’t need drugs, and hence you don’t need insurance.

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