Bob Goes Organic

2 years ago

Bob goes organic, being overweight out of shape, taking tons of medications and feeling bad. I decided to change when my doctor told me I was a ticking time disaster. I needed to sleep better have abundant energy and be toxic free. So I went on to lose 60 lbs the last year. I spent money to learn about insulin resistance. I started reading labels on foods and found out how we are harming our bodies. I basically eliminated process foods and started with organic supplements, protein powders, vitamins and minerals. Now I'm enjoying better sleep, abundant energy, thinner waste and a fatter wallet. Change you life for the better, live healthy go organic. We have organic supplements, beauty creams, toothpaste, deodorant, household products and a whole lot more. Watch this video get a better understanding of what the commercial industry is doing to us. Live healthy, go green, go organic.

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