Why Kushner, Pompeo And Trump Might Have Ordered The Killing Of Kashoggi

2 years ago

website https://freewordandfriendsworld.altervista.org/

When asked about it Pompeo said there’s no evidence Kashoggi was killed and tortured under the order of Prince Bin Salman Al Saud, one of Trump’s best friends and allies, but... Jamal Kashoggi was cousin of the King, an untouchable member of the Saudi Royal Family: only another Royal, higher in ranking than him, could order the execution: either the Prince or the King (Kashoggi in fact was arrested for espionage and killed legally though brutally by the Saudi cops, he didn't die "in a car crash"). But Pompeo was like “nothing happened” and now they're all best friends with Trump (?) Add that in Britain the wife of Julian Assange said that Mike Pompeo and Jared Kushner asked the British Secret Services for the homicide of Assange, but the Britons refused. Beyond the cover of fighting "the Deep State" in reality there’s a very evil Trump who uses the Deep State in a worse manner than the others.


ADDITION &REVISION: In the video I say Kashoggi was arrested in Saudi Arabia, whereas on wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamal_Khashoggi" I find he was arrested in Turkey and killed at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, which is Saudi territory legally but not Saudi Arabia, I say he was killed by Saudi cops, wikipedia calls them Saudi agents.
Wkipedia does not say that Jamal was a cousin of the King but says he was a cousin of Dodi Fayed, who died together with Lady Diana, he was Saudi elite certainly, I read somewhere else he was the cousin of the King but perhaps that's an imprecision.
Finally when I say the killing of Kashoggi was legal I mean legal by Saudi Arabia's laws, but many people say it's illegal anyway, Saudi Authorties play fool (like Pompeo and Trump).

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