Getting To NO is OK

2 years ago

When I started my video adventure 15+ years ago, some of the criticisms and comments that I received were about how I spoke, how I dressed, how I looked, and all of that stuff. I realized how they wanted things to be would not attract my clients, but it would attract people like them whom I didn't want to work with.

This is a thing I preach all the time, Dotty, I'm so sorry I cut you off. I preach whether it's with my freelancers, entrepreneurs, or whatever you're doing,
to get people to the “NO”. Don't just get them to Yes, but get people to No.
Because, why do you want all this noise over here from people who don't, aren't going to work well with you. Why do you want that? Because you're either going to end up signing them as clients and it's going to be, like, pulling teeth on both sides because you don't work well together. You're not the right people to work together. Or they're just cluttering up your space
and eventually, they're going to start saying negative things and that's going to affect your own self-confidence. So get them out of the way early.
Like, let them know you're not for them. Like, let them decide that. You know, don't try to push people away, but let them go to NO. No is okay. Do you know what I mean? No is an absolutely beautiful gift, for someone to give you.
That is one of the hardest lessons to learn. As a business owner, you do not want every single client. The very first time I fired a client - was relieving.
It felt so freeing that, you know, you are so right.

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