if left untreated, the series (ag standup)

2 years ago

that's ronnit meowing at me
every time it's a struggle
hold me closer tiny dancer, he's gay
Eternal Life (even tho he's gay)
scaring people is what i do best
massive amt of people on the internet who don't have talent
self-awareness is an excruciating gift
anger mgmt program: where's that edible? j/k i know where it's at
psychosis: a theme park called america
dispensing schizophrenia one thc gummy at a time
half the population will be in a mental institution by the time it's fully legalized
yep, twitter is a carrot...now Lord, NOW
it's pathetic isn't it
you will have an entire Eternity to learn that God is indeed real af
lost God in a church, found Him in a liquor store
shaving my head is what being a liberal arts major is all about
no....this is what i do when i'm NOT drunk
that one Divine tributary
like a good savior, Jesus is there
yeah, he probably shouldn't say that hahaha
that would be fun tho if everyone was on molly tho i highly doubt they'd wanna watch stand up comedy
my fren ronnit is a dose of molly hahaha that is so true
*i was gonna keep filming ronnit but she is not as cool with her sets being on the internet as yours truly even tho she is funny af

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