Why CWF Goes After Villains | Dangers of Dissent in Web2 & The MSM #blockchaintechnology #paypal

1 year ago

Everyone, Getting Personal & Assuming Risk w. This Release. Kindly Show Some Love by Sub'n & Sharing. #1love

Mike here to tell you my motivation to equip CWF, CWI’s brother nonprofit, to ID & oust the Villains in Emergent Tech. You may believe the recent tragedy regarding the untimely passing of Nikolai of Maker Dao in PR was a coincidence & not at all related to “The Maker Dao Event” & how it related to the Celsius Debacle. The tragedy may well have been a coincidence, to be clear... “may” being the operant word.

The following is a very personal story of mine that I have decided now is the time to share w. all of you for reasons outlined below... darn the consequences.

This story may help you understand why CWF vehemently insists on investigating the Villains in emergent tech… a sea of powerful innovation easily weaponized to bring us to heal or if properly deployed… raise many around the world out of poverty & mitigate meaningless suffering at scale (see CWF's upcoming blockchain/USAID pilot proposal).

We believe that us in earnings/loans need to work together as the cards are stacked against us all. That ought to be our focus, which is why we insist on mutual sacrifice of the various factions w.in Celsius so that we can show the powers at be that if you mess w. the People, the People will come out stronger & more formidable than ever before.

That is our sincere hope... but it is up to the individual to move forward with eager intent to assume voluntary sacrifice in the interest of the whole for this to work and for all of us impacted by Celsius to have a story worth sharing (and a bid to gain mass public favor assuming the bidding process is made transparent... something we are working on).

Such an aim is a much more meaningful pursuit, and from a pure strategic standpoint, allows a unified front to overcome the realities of the prisoner’s dilemma and, more importantly, gives us the unique opportunity in crypto Chap 11 bankruptcy to set a watershed precedent that may be looked back upon by our children as one which reinvigorated good will, charity, and the virtues that impacted the legal process in a way that lead to less suffering, a more just outcome, and positioned the judiciary as a mechanism of which just outcomes may prevail regardless of the capital held by specific interest groups.

Kindly comment below if you agree with our sentiment regarding voluntary self-sacrifice of the various factions within earnings or if you think that would be unjust and antithetical to a more just value schema. We would love to listen to your arguments... for or against. More-so, to help us get this dialogue into the public square by kindly sharing this to your socials (Twitter and Facebook seem to have the most bang for the buck if you @ the right people).

Back to DeCent Media & This Video
The following story is 100% True. We don't know if he was terminated, silenced, or imprisoned... all I know is that I lost my brother in arms (lawfully fighting against Web2/MSM) following the freezing of his and my PayPal account and a Prime bank in the US dropping me (destroying my credit and removing the largest credit line I built over a decade of responsible financial management).

PayPal was a proxy used to justify the financial attack on my personal standing to receive credit. Business insider knew before we did that my partner's. PayPal account had been frozen (how?) and all the funds crowdfunding for us to build the platform where eventually redistributed back to those who contributed simply bc they supported his cause (he was doing independent documentaries, focusing on Covid at first, while our people were working on DeCent Media, a project we are resurrecting once we have found a just and fair way forward for Celsius earnings & loans).

Note that all of our communications were kept encrypted and so how they ID' ed our association with one another remains a mystery to this day. My former partner, my cosmic brother from across the pond, was disappeared following a scheduled meeting with a political dynasty family member… a very good and virtuous man who had cancelled last second and sounded that the fear of God was put into him. Take that for what it is.

CW Links: www.linktr.ee/citizenwarrior/
WarriorCast Links: www.linktr.ee/warriorcast/
CWF Site: www.CitizenWarrior.Foundation/

Welcome All - To The Lawful Values-Driven Digital Rebellion.

Let’s Begin,

- Michael Benzaken
Proud Leader of Citizen Warrior

PS: Apologies in advance for the spelling mistakes and unrefined text… we could use some help with volunteer content writers to edit our text. Much to do… so for now, make do with the imperfect text. Thank you

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