EFT (Tapping).. Letting Go of Lack and into Abundance

2 years ago

#meditate ##abundance #EFT #EFTcompletemethod #ShayoliHope
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EFT tapping Letting Go of Lack and moving Into Abundance. We're going to do some EFT on that today.

My name is Kolae Perkins

Lack is an attachment to not having enough. You can see on the map of Consciousness that apathy is a kind of lacking. I don't care anymore, I'm just going to stay stuck in this place. I'm hoping that I can help you understand that moving out of this dependence on Lack or this addiction to lack.

I hope I can help you to see that abundance is something you can all have.

We are going to do some taping together on lack..

First we're going to gather up all the lack that you have stored in your body.

Then we'll see where it is in the body.

Even though I have an attachment to lack.

I love and accept myself completely

With infinite love and gratitude

I release and forgiving.

Then I want you to hold pressure on the small intestine meridian, by holding your hand, pushing all the air out of your lungs .

I want you to take a deep breath, close your eyes. Look into your body. I want you to see where lack is hiding out. I want you to watch that Energy Area. Continue tapping using the four phrases above.

This will help you to see that the lack within you is really an old habit.

You don't have to hold onto. The best way to do that is to keep tapping until you feel the energy of lack start to decrease in your body.

The more you find gratitude for this life you're living right now. The less lack you will feel.

I know that to be true because I have seen it in my own life. The more I am grateful for what I have the more abundance I will see.

Tapping the top of the head say, “I am worthy of abundance.” I am worthy of God’s love. I am worthy of all.

I know you are. I hope this has been helpful to you.

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