Why is it Episode 2:

2 years ago

Disclaimer I am not associated with this channel. I agree with what is occurring in our nation:

Both situations will live in infamy 1944 D-Day Pearl Harbor, 9/11 Twin Towers:

While in office, the former head of states 26th, 35th, 37th, 43rd, and 45th had the drive and foresight to build up our armed forces while skillfully managing diplomacy about foreign affairs.
The 26th head of state of the country had the knowledge of their ancestors about P.H. unfortunately, the intelligence from the lower military personnel was ignored, which allowed the 1941 tragedy. The intelligence neglected to listen to the military informing other individuals in the upper chain of command and did not believe it. Unfortunately, this resulted in the shelling of P.H. as problems occurred throughout the history of the freedom nation. In some ways, we neglected to listen to individuals we had trained to allow us intelligence in World War II because the improper follow-through of the chief commander of the European nations turned our allies into an enemy.
The 35th head of state had first-hand knowledge of military strategy during his involvement in World War II. He was the commander and chief that believed in the special forces during his term. For sure, he would've listened to the intelligence of the special forces throughout our nation's security and the safety of our country from his experience during World War II. He was one of the best heads of state that were alive. Unfortunately, life was cut short.'
The 37th heads of state knew exactly what was going on with the military during the crisis in southern Vietnam, and with knowledge of World War II, all these heads of state knew precisely what was going on; unfortunately, again, intelligence and national security were ignored, and able to mediate better than the latest commanders of our nation and yet learned to listen to the lower chain of command yet led astray by the political agendas of the country.
The 43rd head of state is one of the best heads of state we have ever had during 9/11 and yet, in the same situation as what occurred with the 26th heads of state in World War II also need to worry about our national security. Unfortunately, if our national security intelligence is threatened, then it is proactive instead of taking the initiative to strengthen your borders, which all these heads of state have done. However, political parties revert to the old ways of dealing with our nation's democracy instead of dealing with the situation. This event reflects the insecurity of the political agenda of our nation's security is becoming endangered and since.
During his presidency, the 45th head of state strengthened our borders and ensured our military responded to our nation's crisis. Unfortunately, board members disagreed with the aggressive nature of dealing with traders of the nation's security, which also became a political agenda because of his way of exposing our country's political parties as being inappropriate and endangering our national security to the corruption in the d party. This leads up to our national security and freedoms being at risk because of the behaviors of our political agendas and the political party's upheaval towards him.
Disclaimer I'm not affiliated with these videos!


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