The Things I Do For Family | The Apartment + Filled With Freedom - Indie Horror Game Twofer

2 years ago

0:00 - The Apartment
16:05 - Filled With Freedom

Welcome back for another twofer! I caught a couple good ones today (links below)

First up, Let's Play The Apartment;
We are a good bro (as usual) and have decided to visit our brother's apartment after we haven't heard from him in a few weeks. I'm sure everything is fine, absolutely fine... no wait, what the f---

Second up, Let's Play Filled With Freedom;
Grams and Gramps have left us their house, though we don't know much about them or their property. For some reason, parents kept us from visiting. I wonder if we'll find out why...

The Apartment:
Filled With Freedom:

Thanks for joining me on another itchio-venture, I hope to see you next time!

#theapartment #filledwithfreedom #letsplay #itchiohorror #itchiohorrorgames #indiehorror

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