your life is none of my business

2 years ago

shout on to my friend sean maggiano (italian) who is very much on the left (we still get along really well)
coming to agreeance on mutual hatred of pharmaceutical companies
food and drug adm...fuckin duh
i refer to all women as bitches (restaurant lingo)
whether the term is an epithet or a term of endearment is entirely dependent on the person and the situation
a dude is referred to as motherfucker
get offended don't care
so we met at this 12 step program...
this bitch could not handle sugar at all, literally crashed her car after eating an entire cake
if women are allowed to drive then it's the state's fault
send a letter to your senator
felt the need to add sugar to chickpeas
i hate this town so much (franklin, tn)
custom to hate where you grow up
cucked for their hometown
i just moved 20min south so i guess i shouldn't say anything
kinda weird that i live in the suburbs
any and every decision is a sacrifice
i kept saying i was gonna go to all these blue states
you can go to all these different places in yer head
taking risks w/out travelling a thousand miles
people that travel are never satisfied anywhere they go
women have a constant existential crisis
if people got married/had kids for the right reason...
people think less of me cos i work in a restaurant if they're me w/ my experience

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