Catholicism Examined: Are Catholics Christians?

2 years ago

Episode 1 in our series examines whether or not Catholics are indeed our brothers and sisters in Christ by examining their teachings through the lens of scripture. We look at the concerns pertaining to the ecumenical movement, Catholic history, as well as what the Bible says concerning the core differences.

00:00 - 04:02 Intro
04:16 - 18:33 Are Roman Catholics Christians?
18:33 - 27:50 Does Mere Christianity do justice to the Gospel?
27:50 - 39:48 Do the doctrines of Rome teach another Gospel?
39:55 - 1:01:35 What are some doctrines of Roman Catholicism that aren't mainstream?
1:01:40 - 1:08:06 How would you speak to someone who is considering to convert to Catholicism?

Episode 2: What is Our Authority, The Bible or The Church?

Episode 3: Was Peter the First Pope?

Episode 4: What Role Will The Catholic Church Play in The End Times?

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