just cos you ain't pawning shit don't mean it ain't a drug

2 years ago

if it changes yer brain chemistry it's a drug
marijuana is a serious drug now
words can't express how much i hate ronald reagan
ronald reagan was an actor
reagan proves that republicans are full of shit
figures donald trump would use the same campaign slogan
they just say they have credentials
the joke that is american politics
the $ trail is quite short
they don't have the balls to be an actual conspiracy theorist
determination and resilience that most don't possess
nobody ever taught them how to question anything
committing suicide is the next step
my priest agreed with me here haha
most don't take marriage commitment seriously
i don't have to explain that at all
intoxicated or just liberal
i think about them from time to time
as close as two people can be and now...
women's rights guarantee sexual promiscuity
be a man and slut it up
nothing matters, we're all nihilists now
considerably worse for women cos the bitch has a uterus
psych meds remove our God given abilities
you can't make a woman masculine, you can take away her humanity
the public never seems to mind do they

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