Rainy Evening Walk Manarola, Cinque Terre, Binaural Rain Sounds

2 years ago

Rainy evening in Cinque Terre. This is a walk around the village of Manarola before the sunset. This was a light rainfall with a little bit of thunder rumbles. Enjoy!

For Ambience Sounds and Music - https://share.epidemicsound.com/lfkdnw
Free To Use Sounds all in one bundle - https://gumroad.com/a/578659443

Social Media
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/nomadicambience/
Tiktok - @nomadicambience

Places You Can Find Me
Apple Music

Rain Walks - https://bit.ly/3p5FRJx
Sounds for Sleep - http://bit.ly/310kmNG
Sounds New York - http://bit.ly/2OpNYlW
Sounds of Iceland - http://bit.ly/35LFR7R
Sounds of Japan - https://bit.ly/2TZ7sOj
Sounds of California - https://bit.ly/32kclWH
Cafe Sounds - http://bit.ly/2JW8tCq
Nature Sounds - https://bit.ly/3l5SVMy
City Sounds - https://bit.ly/2I3I47U
Ocean Waves Sounds - http://bit.ly/2ygmPaj
Rain and Thunderstorms - https://bit.ly/353w6DV

Everything in the video is filmed and recorded on location.

Do not copy, reproduce, or distribute any of the content.

#asmr #italy #cinqueterre

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