I'm Just A Beggar, When it comes down to it we all are.

2 years ago

Obama was right on only one statement that I can recall him ever making, America is not a Christian country anymore.
For that God has placed his judgment on us the same way he did on his own people the Israelites when they abandoned him for false gods and went their own wicked ways. They too were judged.
Times are getting out of control and Scary right now. If you were not absolutely sure if you were to die today, would you be going to Heaven or hell, You must watch this video. Share with others, don't keep God's Grace just to yourselves.
The last days are lining up with the Holy book of Revelation. If you know your bible, then you know I'm right.

Out of the top ten Real Christian speakers and Pastors in the U.S, I have listened to, Pastor Hobbs has to be in the Top 5.
Just bible facts, no sugarcoating.

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