COP 27 and Solving Climate Change

2 years ago

The dates for the United Nations Climate Change meeting called COP 27 are November 6th through 18th, 2022. During that time, on November 13, 2022, a 'Chrislam' type group composed of leaders from the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Protestant, Islamic, Buddhist, Hindu, and other faiths associated with the Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development and the Elijah Interfaith Institute are making what they titled 'A Prophetic Call for Climate Justice' and are having a 'Ceremony of Repentance' on what is referred to as Mount Sinai, in Egypt. Does this sound like Gaia, mother goddess, worship? Are Christians supposed to have religious ceremonies with pagans? What did the Apostle Paul write? What did Jesus say would happen to the earth? Are humans, apart from God, going to solve climate problems before Jesus returns? Is there any type of false gospel associated with aspects of the climate change movement? Would obeying God solve the issues of pollution and climate change? What about the good news, the gospel of the Kingdom of God? Does the Bible have the solution to pollution? Does the Bible have the answer to solving climate change? Dr. Thiel and Steve Dupuie discuss these issues.

A written article of related interest is available titled 'COP 27, the Climate Ceremony of Repentance, the Solution to Pollution, and How to Really Solve Climate Change' URL:

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