European Parliament Say 'The COVID GAME IS UP' The People Of Europe Have Been Told A GIGANTIC LIE.

2 years ago

European Parliament Say 'The COVID GAME IS UP' The People Of Europe Have Been Told A GIGANTIC LIE.

More from the European Parliaments reaction to the Pfizer representative who told the world that due to moving at the speed of science there was no time for testing of the Jab. The European Parliament led by Christine Anderson German Party MEP are catching up with this 'science speed' and promises to get all the answers.

Everything that happened in western democracies, people locked in their homes, the curfews that were put in place the social distancing the ineffective MASK WEARING was a gigantic hoax. The Pfizer 'Vaccine' (described incorrectly) was not tested to see if it could stop transmission or give immunity before it was injected into millions. There are many pages of data available exposed by Pfizer by order of a Judge details as followed:-

“Federal judge Mark Pittman of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, in an order issued Feb. 2, said the FDA must release redacted versions of the documents in question according to the following disclosure schedule,” Children’s Health Defense’s The Defender noted in a report.

10,000 pages apiece, due on or before March 1 and April 1, 2022.
80,000 pages apiece, to be produced on or before May 2, June 1 and July 1, 2022.
70,000 pages to be produced on or before Aug. 1, 2022.
55,000 pages per month, on or before the first business day of each month thereafter, until the release of the documents has been completed.
So not only has Pittman ordered the drugmaker to release the documents, but he’s not messing around: He wants them revealed quickly, over the course of a few months, not years (and certainly not over the course of 75 years, which is what the FDA and Pfizer originally sought).

more here:-




DUNEDRIFTER, (Counter Narrative / Legal Channel)

(Article 1).
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights
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