Restoration of a Large Felling Ax from the 19th century. Magnificent Handle!

2 years ago

According to the information that I managed to find on the thematic forums, this ax is about the 19th century!
I removed the thick layer of rust using the electrolysis process. Under the rust, I saw a drawing, something like flower petals or the rays of the sun. If you know what this drawing is, please write to me about it.
While the electrolysis process lasted, I began work on the ax handle. I used a ready-made strong beech handle, but modified it a little. I lengthened it using a piece of stabilized wood. I fixed it using epoxy glue and a brass tube as a pin. I am sure that many will write that the epoxy glue will crumble after the first blow, so at the end of the video I tested it !!!
I wish you all good luck and take care of yourself!
See you next week!
With respect to your viewers, Max.


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