MR. NON-PC - Nobody's Coming To Save You!

2 years ago

This one goes out to all the "PC-Peepz" who eat their "PC-POOP" that think that someone is "Coming to save them" it ain't happening!!

It's on both sides Right and Left alike, but a great example is the recent acquisition of Twitter by Elon Musk. Funny how so many Cuckservatives think that a creep like Musk (who has been experimenting with Neuralink and computer chips in peoples heads) is "on their side" or "going to save us" hate to's NOT HAPPENING!!!

Even funnier how the Leftists want the Government to "Be their daddy" and micromanage every aspect of their lives!!

We got in this situation right now because real men stopped being real men, women stopped being women. We have girls thinking their boys and boys thinking their girls!

Nobody is coming to save you, and it will KEEP GETTING WORSE! It can get better, but the majority has to STOP BEING PC and more importantly start doing something differently!!

Nobody is coming to save us except God almighty and ourselves!!!

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