Red Wave Compromised, Brazil, Get Your Scorecard, We The Lab Rats

1 year ago

Infiltrated and Compromised

**PT II Trump raises some serious questions about the Biden Administration/The Justice SSN 11/6/22 PT II
System/The Media propaganda

**This segment should expose why this is all taking place and why Bureaucrats with the families and very comfortable lives won’t take a stand
*CCP Intelligence briefs Hit Squads/Assassins
*Many Patriots have been stating at our own peril that what has been and is taking place won’t be deterred because all these elements to destroy our nation have gone too far.

*Communist China has colonized the U.S.A.

*Tucker explained some basic Historic facts
*Communism hidden under a brand of democracy the compromised politicians and their news media minions can and will kill millions of people without a blink of their eye
*Why was Trump so dangerous and exactly who and what he was a danger to?

**How do these puppets under the influence of their communist Masters intend to carry out their plan without directly exposing themselves to the unaware?
*Climate Change
*They lie about the U.S. being second what about India?
*how does China qualify as developing !!!!
*Countries are demanding U.S. Taxpayer Dollars for Climate Change!
*U.S. diesel expensive, running out walk a tightrope
**24:45 to 31:41 KNOC for 40 years Chinese have been infiltrating the U.S. with sleeper agents
*Real Estate
*Biden Ended Trumps China Program to investigate these Chinese Moles
*A DOJ Program
*Is the U.S. Military Compromised?
**Hear a bit more

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