Dashcam video shows moments before SUV crashes into Tulsa patrol car

2 years ago

TULSA, Okla. (KFOR/KOKI) – Authorities are hoping that dashcam video from a recent accident can serve as a warning to others to not text and drive.

On Aug. 16, 2019 a Tulsa police officer was headed south on Riverside near 81st when he was hit by another vehicle.

Investigators realized that the other driver jumped a curb from the opposing lanes of traffic before slamming into the patrol car.

However, authorities say the officer, although he was not at fault for the accident, was texting seconds before impact.

Even though he was texting, officials say the crash was unavoidable.

“There was nothing that this officer could have done to prevent this collision from happening,” Tulsa Officer Jeanne Pierce said.

Fortunately, neither driver was seriously injured but the officer did have to go to the hospital to be checked out.

According to FOX 23, the Tulsa Police Department’s Traffic Review Board does look over crashes involving officers, but they do not release information on those investigations.

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