so grateful for restaurant boot camp (15yrs of lessons)

2 years ago

dusk is my fave time
restaurant work helped me overcome bdpd
all women are bdpd
intense internalization leads to externalization
you don't want in on this seminar
a very interesting seminar that would give those in attendance a headache
just gotta give em some weed
4min aint enough time to explain every joke
overly confident leads to the audience hating it
fuck john hahahaha
females aren't very good at stand up
i got over my people plzing tendancy
study yourself you will figure out the world
studying mental illness helped me really understand america
if they aint takin shit out on you, you will know of all their grievances w/ everyone else
i don't care enough to change my behavior
whoever you're trying to plz aint gonna be satisfied anyway
people either don't show up or just slack off the whole time (phones)
every once in awhile i slack off
and tik tok brought us back together, thank you china
45 min later she realizes that i listen to her more than anyone
whenever they're takin shit out on you, it's never you i promise
that altima is awesome
i don't require an apology, i already forgave em
everybody is late at my job
i learned how to get in and get out
...not just cos i was 2hrs late
i sought an identity in my job
i love cannabis whether i'm smoking it or not
brittany is mad at me right now, oh well
when i say dumpsite...
the shittier the job the more it humbles you
an experience is only valuable if you learn from it
people dunno how much the phones are really destroying
cuba wants me so bad, every day he tells me he's gonna get my pussy
thelonious (car) will get over it
the smoothness has spoiled everyone
you will undertand your true work ethic when pushed to the limit
most are not psychologically equipped
get into a groove, turn it into a game
man, i miss making shakes til 4am
the smartphones have jogged their memory so they can't recall
minimal drama and we all get along for the most part
7th grade girl bullshit
infantilization that they signed up for
dancer/danger (outta the crazy claw thanks to my friend sarah)
gonna use him in my set tonight
watch some other yt channel that's super duper profound
enlightening or endarkening, just depends on the day i guess
no other channel like ag's channel

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