Political Mailers - Affirmative Action, Racist Discrimination, Merit, Qualifications Out The Window

2 years ago

Those political mailers being mailed out. Obviously all the groups and organizations shown have their own agendas and surely there are many things that they aren't telling you and whatnot but it's easy to see that programs like Affirmative Action are nothing more than giving advantages to otherwise unqualified people. There is real discrimination against whites and asians and of course those who won't blindly follow the preferred mainstream narrative. You dare to go against popular narrative and mainstream preferences, under the bus you go and the zombified robots will make every lame excuse possible while politicians can do several heinous things and practically get huge passes in one way or another. It's amazing what little self respect grown adults have. Then of course all those race baiting and transgender activist opportunists and hustlers who will always pull the racist, bigot and various other trivial factor cards when you point out that merit doesn't really mean much anymore. These crazy social justice warriors, wokesters, soy boys and the like are truly some of the worst out there and are some of the most unreasonable, intimidation inducing, death threat throwing, threatening assholes on the planet who know that they can't get people together that they have to use dogmatic threatening tactics and intimidation along with coercion and submission to get people to bow down to their irrational whims and turn the populace into order following submissive zombies. Jobs, academics among other stuff should always be based on merit and skills, not a bunch of trivial factors and the like but that's the world of crazy wokeness for you and the Stockholm Syndrome sheep that willfully play along with all these travesties. Whatever.

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