Universal City TX 2022 51st Veterans Day Parade - ROTC Entries

2 years ago

This short video features the 2 ROTC units that were represented in the 2022 Veterans Day Parade held November 5, 2022, in Universal City, Texas.

We received authorization from Randolph AFB to fly our drone inside their Zero AGL (Above Ground Level) restricted flight area for today's Veterans Day Parade in Universal City (TX) along Pat Booker Road. The parade was about 90 minutes long, but we've cut out the slower / dead times when the parade was sitting still on the road. We also used the Speed Ramping technique to shorten the overall length of this video, without sacrificing the quality of the content.

This video was not commissioned by the Universal City or the Greater Randolph Area Veterans Council (GRAVC) who sponsors this annual parade. For more information about the parade, please visit the city's website at https://universalcitytexas.com/586/Veterans-Parade

For more information about Yellow Rose Drones, visit us at https://YellowRoseDrones.com

Music track from Epidemic Sound.

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